Sárvár - Experience and Tradition

Many times has Sárvár been in the focus of interest and events amidst the stormy history. This applies especially to the 16th and 17th centuries that have created the opportunities for the Nádasdy Family for soaring, as well as the facilities for its economic, political, and culture preserving activities for one and a half centuries. The scene of their work, the Nádasdy Castle is still the symbol of our town. János Sylvester, scientist, found supporters here, and became famous throughout Europe, just like Sebestyén Tinódi Lantos, the chronicler, Gáspár Szegedi Körös, the medical man or Mátyás Dévai Bíró, the illustrious preacher.

The turning point of our modern history was 1968, when the settlement was inaugurated to become a town. This facilitated the urbanisation of our settlement. The two recent decades gave new impetus to the development of Sárvár, which held out promises to the achievement of the new middle-class status. The talent, diligence and persistent work of Sárvárian citizens, as well as their affection towards their town led to the birth of a new Sárvár, which is today one of the most frequented places in Hungary by those tourists seeking recreation in spa and wellness resorts.

sarvar.hu, sarvarfurdo.hu

Margaréta Guesthouse - MagyarMargaréta Guesthouse - NémetMargaréta Guesthouse - Angol